Range of properties of airborne contaminants [dusts—aerosols—vapours—gases] and the potential hazards
Series of short case studies, provide an overview of the health hazards and risks, and the sources and factors affecting emission of airborne contaminants, in order to develop an understanding of the approach to controlling exposure problems and how to select appropriate control strategies
The principles of containment and control techniques for common process
Workplace Control Principle
Hierarchy of Control
Achieving Effective Control - The meaning of adequate control including the use of occupational exposure limits, other published and in-house standards, The role of assessment (by all routes)
The practical application of the hierarchy of control
Identifying effective control strategies, adopting the principles of reasonable practicability (COSHH Essentials/ILO Toolbox)
Process Design and Principles
Design of Equipment and Workplace
Prevention, Elimination, Substitution - Prevention of exposure by good process design, including containment, elimination or substitution of hazardous substances and activities, Examples of industrial processes where hazards may be minimised by changes to substance
Ventilation Systems
Types of System (General & LEV)
Principles of system design [Fans, ducts, air cleaners an dischargers, Fan types and their typical applications, Duct sizing, configuration and duct materials, Principles of system balancing, Facilities for thorough examination, maintenance, examination and testing, Air cleaners -types (gravity and centrifugal collectors, dry fabric, electrostatic, wet methods, absorption types) and their performance]
General Ventilation Systems
Local Exhaust Ventilation [LEV]
Measurement and Testing of LEV Systems
Personal Protective Equipment
General (Types of PPE, RPE, gloves, chemical protective clothing, limitations, definition of suitability, importance of selection, training, maintenance, use, development of PPE programme
Respiratory Protective Equipment (Types, limitations, selection, use, maintenance of RPE, face fit testing)
Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC) [Types, performance, testing effectiveness, application, limitations, storage arrangements, prevention of spreading contamination, suitability for use
Gloves and dermal care [Basic dermal exposure assessment techniques, principles of dermal exposure risk management, Types of gloves and their performance data, Permeation and breakthrough, Glove selection, maintenance and training in use]
Administrative Elements
Reducing periods of exposure
Exclusion of non-essential personnel, personal hygiene arrangements
Co-ordinated approach to control, training, supervision
Control of access to hazardous areas
The role of assessment, measurement, monitoring, and health surveillance in initiating control measures
Role of written operating procedures, permits to work
Role of occupational hygiene programmes in continuing control